
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Lana's Flower Arrangement

A flower arrangement...just not any arrangement. I made this arrangement when my cousin Lana died in 2006 suddenly and unexpectedly. She was too full of life and way to young to pass away.  I try and make arrangements to match the person. This one is Lana to me. Now her son Travis is leaving us. The arrangement is also Travis...Love, Charity, Kindness. Travis was diagnosed with esophogeal cancer in 2008 and has fought a hard fight. He will leave behind the love of his life Mandy and 4 children under the age of 11. It is just really hard to see them go through this. Lana had so many flowers, way to many to keep, that the family distributed them out to everyone. Mom picked mine back up. This Morning I delivered them to Travis' door step. I think some will think it is tacky...I think some will just have to get over it. I just kept getting this feeling to take them to him while he can see them. I learned along time ago to listen to my still small voice inside me. As the saying goes "I would rather have flowers while I am alive, then a thousand when I am dead". I only hope that they match something in Mandys house. May our Heavenly Father watch after this sweet family during their trials.

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